I'm Gia from Hong Kong S.A.R. and and I'm looking for a nice man for marriage.
My Id is: C03800486 Click here to contact me
There are FOUR very important words in life
Without these in your life, you have nothing.
Being pretty won't make a man stay. Being smart won't make a man stay. The only way to keep a man is if he wants to be kept.
You can be beautiful, kind, and loyal, but if he doesn't choose to stay, nothing you do will change that. Love isn't about how much you give or how perfect you try to be. It's about his willingness to stay.
A man stays because he values you, because he sees a future with you, not just a moment.
So don't beg for love. Don't lose yourself trying to hold on to someone who isn't sure about you. The right man will stay because he wants to, not because you have to convince him. ✌️peace be with us...
Just looking here what ever will be will be...