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I'm Denny from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C00000370 Click here to contact me

It is very hard to see a girl's true personality from a web site. I have dated a few girls from CB, but finding a trusting, honest, understanding. and responsible girl, is not easy. I have many filipina friends here in the US, and most of them have changed husbands since they came to the US, which is sad. I married a filipina from New Valencia on the island Guimaras, near Iloilo, who I was very much in love with, but it only lasted 13 years, and then she said that I was a good husband, and a good father, but she wasn't in love anymore, and wanted to find a young good looking guy. Part of the problem was that many of her Filipina friends here in the US tell young Filipina girls, like her, to dump her old man and find a younger one. But the main truth is that women typically like change more than men. That's why in the US the average length of a marriage is only 7 years and most divorces are filed by bored women. I've also noticed the same thing in the Philippines, with most of the Filipinas I chat with being from broken homes.
So I divorced her over 10 years ago. First she said she was leaving the 2 kids with me because she was going back to the Philippines to become president of the Philippines. HaHa. Then she said that she was going to start her own business, and asked me how long it would take to get her business big enough so that she could have a building in downtown San Diego with her name on the top. I just laughed and told her that it would take about as long as it would take her to become president of the philippines. HaHa. Then she decided to get her own place, and just date younger guys until she found what she really wanted. That was about 10 years ago, and she has lived with many different guys since then.
I had sent her siblings to college, bought her family 2 motorcycles, 2 chain saws, a 30 passenger jeepney. and set them up with a Sari Sari store, and 3 other businesses, that all failed and they lost everything except their houses that I b

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Denny from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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