I'm Lee from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C00622620 Click here to contact me
Hi and thanks for reading my profile!
Note: I don’t have a paid membership right now, but if I send you a smile it means I am interested in you, and will renew my membership when you send a smile back!
I'm a "born again" Christian, and my FIRST love is Jesus Christ. He is the only one who will never leave me nor forsake me. If you DON'T have a relationship with Him, then I am not the one for you!
I am looking for someone who has not been married. I would prefer someone who is still a virgin, as I am, and I'm looking forward to giving myself for the first time to my wife on our wedding night.
Someone younger than 35, who wants a marriage based on CHRIST, NOT on what you will get out of a marriage to an American. You need to be the type of girl who puts others first. Looks are important to me, (that's the way God designed us guys!), but a good marriage is based on way more than just good looks.
What kind of husband will you get in me? Someone who puts God first, then you, then our children (if we have any), and myself last. Someone who will lay down his life for you, the way Christ laid down His life for the Church. Someone who will love you, support you, take care of you, and will do my best to make you happy in this life.
I am an American, but I know a lot about Filipino culture. I have had some Filipina friends, both online and in person. If we decide to pursue a relationship, please understand that I can NOT get engaged to someone, until we have met in person. And then ONLY if we have prayed about it together and separately, and we feel God is leading us together.
Yes, I am picky! Because for me, marriage is for life, with no possibility of divorce.
If after reading all of this, you still want to get to know me, then I'll be glad to exchange emails with you!
Thank you, and may God richly bless you!
PS - The f