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I'm Mike from France and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C00945426 Click here to contact me

First of all, please read this.
Secondly, if you are looking for ^"help^" do not contact me.
Thirdly, some necessary truths:
1. I have had a vasectomy. I can`t make babies.
2. I've been married three times, yet still hope to find success in love.
3. I'm a light smoker of cigars. I do not smoke cigarettes. I may stop, but not at the moment.
4. I'm not a rich man. I don't chase money,am not, nor will I be, a sugar daddy.
5. I do not go clubbing, partying, drinking.
6. I do not drink alcohol or use drugs. If you do don't bother me.
7. I own a sailboat. It is my home. That's good. The sailboat needs a little work, but I can do most of that and progress is being made.
8. I'm a rational man and not always romantic. Most times I think before I feel.
For the future I plan to become debt free and buy a home in a nice place. That place is very nice. To the south are mountains with lakes and rivers, nice places to hike, camp, and fish. To the north is the ocean. Just to the east are places where I can pick oysters from the beach and dive for fish, crab, clams, and shrimp. This place rarely freezes in the winter and stays nice in the summer. Hopefully I'll be able to buy enough land to keep a nice garden. If I want to visit the big city it's only a few hours drive away.
As you can see I am not perfect. Sometimes I procrastinate. On the other hand, I have always worked, though I am now retired. It would be nice to have someone to share this humble life with, someone I could please with a kiss, a hug, or an unexpected caress. And, someone I enjoy talking with, and who enjoys talking with me.
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Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Mike from France and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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