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I'm Istvan from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C01177022 Click here to contact me

I am looking for my future wife who wants children and a family.
I love to cook, you will like my cooking and I will like yours.
I do believe in GOD, I know GOD is in control in everything. GOD has a plan for You and I,
maybe our Fate is to meet and be together from now on . Let's connect and see?
I am Looking for a Classy Lady with traditional Family Values why wants to have a big family and believes in GOD.
When the tide is out, I like to explore the rocky beach. The smell of the sea, the sea creatures, the wind, the salt. I can taste the salt in the wind, I can taste the salt on your lips and the moon slowly comes up. So we wash off the salt and enjoy the long sensuous dinner on a deck close to the crashing waves. Maybe we go out for a night swim after that, or go for a walk in the sand. No one but us, no cell phones, no internet, just you and I, the sand, the salt, the waves and the moonlight.

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Istvan from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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