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I'm Jacob from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C03100012 Click here to contact me

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I do not smoke and I do not drink. I have never dated outside of the American culture and I'm a little tired of the American women here. I want to experience a woman that knows what faithful means. I'm looking for a woman with self respect and a little bit of pride in everything she does. Perfect does not exist but showing you care for your man should not have to be argued. I want to find a woman that wants to make a relationship work and is not a ticking time bomb or have double standards.
I am single because I left a controlling relationship. i know it's odd, but yes. when your heart is involved, things can last longer only to protect it. I am single now because I wanted to wait til I felt I was ready. I have not dated or gone out much. I would like to find someone to do things with and to be with for the long haul. It's about time for me to be happy but not because society says so, but because I know it's time.
I am shy but my name is Jeremy. I like pretending to be fit and be physical. I enjoy movies, cooking with friends, finding new recipes and restaurants. I love to talk and am sincere and passionate.
I enjoy going to the gym, long walks, eating good food, and some bad food :), making new recipes in the kitchen and experimenting. I like going to the beach, river, and the movies. I like to stay physically fit and being clean. I want to find someone who is patient and is level headed. i want a relationship and see where it hopefully leads to marriage. I want to be open-minded and express myself to the one I'm with in the bedroom and life in general. I am not in a hurry and want to make sure i find the one.
I am a patient person with a passionate soul. I like to hold hands and be affectionate. I have been lied to before and am not into games. i want a sincere relationship that can be st

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Jacob from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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