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I'm Tom from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C03958698 Click here to contact me

I am looking for God fearing, young and somewhat thin women in the hopes that one will eventually be someone I would want to be my wife. I will the first to admit my standards are pretty high but I can get plenty of average without the problems associated with a long distance relationship. My standards are high but my desires might be different than most people's so don't let that discourage you. In conversations here women seemed embarrassed that they were too skinny, a housekeeper, too brown, too shy, too poor... None of that matters one bit. I dont need help paying the bills or want someone that is promiscuous. I am looking for someone that doesn't just want to be married but someone that truly wants to be a wife. Someone that will put family above themselves (the same as I intend to do).
Im kind, humble, very intelligent, and I love God. I do strive to always do what's right and treat others the way I wish to be treated. If you are not a faithful, a moral person and are just looking for "fun" please don't waste my time.
**If your desire is to never meet someone in person from this site, why are you even here?
(If you are interested in scamming for some quick cash, move along to the next profile. You will have better luck elsewhere. I am a very generous person, in person. If you start guilting for money, I will assume you are just another scammer and I will ghost you.)

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Tom from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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