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I'm Thomas from United states and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C04023040 Click here to contact me

Hello! I'm Thomas.
Relationship Goals:
I'm looking for a committed relationship where we can be true teammates. I envision us learning, growing, and building a prosperous life together. I value slow-paced, deeply connected relationships where both partners are fully present. Honesty and emotional responsibility are fundamental for me. I'll always support my partner, but I believe in taking ownership of our own emotions.
Spiritual Beliefs:
Some might describe me as "Spiritual but not religious". Here's a snapshot of my beliefs:
1. I see "God" as the infinite essence of everything that exists.
2. We're all expressions of this divine essence.
3. As conscious beings, we each have a unique purpose or "god-expression".
4. This expression can be our passion, love, or joy.
5. We have the choice to live with utmost passion and joy every moment.
6. I believe in a "higher self" guiding me, reminding me to surrender and embrace humility.
For those intrigued by these beliefs, I'm always open to diving deeper and discussing them further.
Life Outlook:
Life, for me, is like reading a book where I know a higher power has already penned the ending. I'm here to enjoy every word and page, trusting that things are always unfolding for my highest good.
Growth Opportunities:
I continuously reflect on my actions, ensuring they stem from a place of love and excitement. I'm working on refining my tendencies to act on my excitement and trust perspectives beyond my immediate understanding. Many describe me as relaxed, even in seemingly demanding situations.
While I'm passionate about building things, especially video games, I also love reading. Recently, I've been engrossed in Japanese light novels, with "Jobless Reincarnation" being a favorite. You could call me a bit of a nerd, and I'd agree.
If you've made it this far, thank you. By expressing my authentic self, I hope to

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Thomas from United states and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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