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I'm GaryCee from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C04039946 Click here to contact me

Hello. I'm 61, and I know that's pretty old, but I'll be turning 62 pretty soon. HAHA. I live in a suburb of Seattle, and I work as a middle-manager in a poker-room. Been there 15 years. It's a living. Not really my scene, but it's the scene I fell into.
I plan to visit the Philippines later this year... late summer... in the fall. I'm currently tied to a very rough situation. I'm sharing a home with my sister and her husband, and she is in the very last stages of Alzheimer's disease. I work and help support them, and also to take care of her.
Soon it will be over, thank God. Soon as it is, I'll wait a while and make sure my brother-in-law is okay, then I'm gonna take me a nice long vacation in some tropical paradise.
And if while I'm there I could me a sweet pretty little lady I could love and take care of and never hurt or tell lies to and if she would love and take care of and never hurt or tells lies to ME, well, that would make it the best vacation ever.
I've been single a while, to be honest. Divorced in 2002. Came up here free after a 16 year marriage. I had a little fun for a while ( IF you know what I mean, haha ) , but then in an 8 year span both of my parents got terribly sick and slowly died. And now there is this with my sister. I've got to tell you, ladies.... it has NOT been a good season for romance
So yes, I'll very ready for that sun-drenched vacation
I'll also be ready for my sweet pretty little lady. Hoping to make a home with her, and stay there till I die
trying for real this time

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm GaryCee from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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