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I'm Anthony from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C04098808 Click here to contact me

I do not speak Tagalog very well, so sorry for the nosebleed many words.
I am a successful professional, and do reasonably well in my field. I am not yet done learning and upgrading my career. I'm social when needed, but need peace and quiet to recharge my batteries. I like Outdoors: camping, off-road driving or just being in the woods away from city life. I was born in small town, currently live in the city, but intend to move back to the quieter place with less traffic. I enjoy going out occasionally to dine on good food and catch a movie, but I don't do clubs or bars. I would also like just as much love to stay home all weekend with my girl and relax, Netflix and chill, play video games, or just sleep or stay in bed all day and eat good food.
It is time for me to settle from career a little more and work on family. Speaking of family, I come from a good and kind family and remain close to them. I would like to have children of my own soon. I have done many things in life and had many adventures and even been in a bit of trouble, but also have been the hero a couple of times. I truly do believe in kindness, but I also believe in making sure people respect my and my loved ones boundaries. I have the scars on my body like a road map of my life. I don't need tattoos :D I'm really excited to become more of an introvert, have a quieter life, and spend time with the small group of people that I truly care about. And our cats and dogs :)
In public, I am professional and reserved, assertive as needed. At home, I am much less professional, enjoy a good sense of humor, and like cuddling way more than a guy should but I can't help myself. I love physical touch and enjoy being tangled Up on the couch with the one I love. I believe in loyalty, monogamy, and honesty. Physical intimacy, from hugging to fun and loving, passionate sex is extremely important to me and I make an effort to give more than I receive. In a relationship, I believe each partner should ma

Click here view my full profile or contact me I'm Anthony from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage. Click here view my full profile or contact me

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