I'm John from United States and and I'm looking for a nice woman for marriage.
My Id is: C04161069 Click here to contact me
64 yo white male looking for ltrEven though I have in my profile that I do not give money away, women from this site ask for money which gets them blocked as soon as they ask
I **never send/give money to anyone I have not met face to face**
- **In person, not internet chatting.**
- **I** ******will** **not** **invest** **any** **money** **in any eth or the like, with** **someone** **until** **i** **have** **met** **them** **in** **person** **first.**
- I like my lady to work.I work around the house. I expect her to pay their way unless they're a liberal.Than they won't wanna do that.Of course
- I like doing things with my significant other. I like to try new things. I don't like the liberal party per se. Cause they want to give away too much money of the hard workers in Americans to the dead beats who don't want to work. What about you? What do you think?
- I don't Like Liar, I hate dirty things around the House.
- I Love Singing,Reading, hunting, fishing, square dancing, line dancing, golf, hot tubs, swimming, being at the beach, cooking, reading, and I Love a clean house
- I love to cook and clean.
- I do not think there is such thing as woman's work. It is just work that has to be done.
- drinking a cup of coffee on the front porch early in the morning.
- I have married twice. Have 4 wonderful kids. 3 boys 1 girl.
- Having children was the best thing I have done in my life.
- I am 64 yo. I worked 28 years in computers. 17 years in casinos. I am retired.
- 1 sister and one brother alive. Both parents are dead.
- I do not sing because both My ex wives said I have a terrible singing voice.
- I line dance.
- **I can not father any more children**
- I am religious.I am a lutheran Missouri synod.
- I believe people should work for a living in this country.And not expect the government to pay their way for everything
- I'm against di